
The Romani People: October 30, 2021

Romani in Bulgaria during the Pandemic      As it has been known the Romani face discrimination all over Europe so there is no surprise that the Pandemic caused the treatment towards them to worsen.        In   Kyustendil, Bulgaria , at a checkpoint of a Roma neighborhood, the police stand there putting them under lockdown and therefore   isolating  them from the rest of the city. The twelve thousand residents of this community aren't allowed to leave for any reason, and authorities in Kyustendil justify the lockdown in response to the "spike" Coronavirus cases. Nonetheless, for the Romani, it's just the same old   prejudice   they have faced for many centuries, especially because of the low confirmed cases. In addition to Kyustendil, another seven communities in Bulgaria, five in Slovakia have also been put under lockdown. In Romania, Serbia, and the Netherlands, there have been fifteen cases of police violence against ...

The Romani in Bulgaria: October 24, 2021

Bulgaria       From my last post, one can recall that the Romani have had no easy life. They were persecuted, enslaved, and abused in many parts of Europe. For today's post, I'm going to focus on their life in Bulgaria.     As I stated before, the Romani were mistreated by most European countries, and this treatment continues today. According to a 2011 census, the Roma population makes up about 4.5% of Bulgaria's whole population, and according to the 2020 census, the percentage is now  5.4% . From the data, one can see that many Romani live in this country and that their population is increasing. However, the Roma are vastly  discriminated   which results in a lifestyle of  poverty  and  ghetto-liked neighborhoods  covered in trash and lack clean water. Additionally, 40% of the Romani live below the poverty line ($215.47 or less per month).  Local market in Stolipinovo, the largest Roma neighbourhood in Europe....

The Romani, October 17, 2021

          The Romani People , also known as the Roma are the largest ethnic group in all of Europe. In addition, they are also the most misunderstood and mistreated. In this entry, I'm going to be giving out background information to understand their past and their present.  Who are the Roma and their Early Modern History     As stated above, the Romani or the Roma are an ethnic group that originates from the  Punjab region   of northern India. They entered Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries as a nomadic group. During that time, Europeans referred to them as  gypsies  because most believed they came from Egypt. The term gypsy is considered  pejorative  by the Roma for its connotations of illegality and its use in history as a racial slur. I did not know that the term above was considered derogatory, so the more you know when researching history!  Also, according to a 2012 genomic study, the Roma ...